EMK3 Senergy

Pipeline Ops Meters & Production

EMK3 Senergy

Pipeline Ops Meters & Production

Make responsive decisions with accurate, timely, reliable volume information.

Access to accurate, timely, and reliable meter status and volume information is critical to pipeline operations. This can impact system balancing, shipper balancing, and nominations. For this, EMK3 offers the Meters and Production Module.

The Meters and Production Module stores basic information on all meters on the pipeline. It provides a single portal for all volume information critical to pipeline operations. It integrates with your production system to receive volume information from the field. In addition, it integrates with your gas plant system to receive plant allocated volumes.

Meters and Production


  • Configurable Pipeline Setup by Asset
  • Manage Meter Information
  • Calculate Fuel and L+U
  • Support Multiple Allocation Methodologies
  • Track Shipper Allocation Percents (PDA)
  • Store Production Data
  • Store Gas Analysis Data
  • Store Allocated Gas Plant Data
  • Define Critical Information Alerts

Key Features

Configurable Pipeline Setup by Asset

Manage multiple pipelines each with their own meters, segments, capacity, pressure base, curtailments, and more.

Manage Meter Information

Manage basic information on all meters on the pipeline. Information includes meter name, meter no., meter type and status, operator, segment, capacity and more.

Calculate Fuel and L+U

Set up multiple segments to model field fuel and L+U then calculate appropriate contract volume.

Support Multiple Allocation Methodologies

For each meter, specify the allocation methodology with multiple options to choose from. Choose from Pro-Rata Based on Noms, Keep-Whole, Fixed Percent, Pro-Rata with Keep-Whole and Contract Point Rank.

Track Shipper Entitlement and Allocation Percents (PDA)

For each shipper on a meter, enter entitlement percents and fixed allocation percents.

Store Production Data

Store daily “Estimated Actual” and “Actual” production information in both MCF and measured MMBtu.

Store Gas Analysis Data

Store various gas analysis information such as BTU, Pressure, Temperature, CO2, N2 and more.

Store Allocated Gas Plant Data

Store gas plant allocated volume by meter for residue, bypass, and shrink.

Store Gas Plant PVR Data

Store gas plant PVR percent for use on shipper entitlement and balancing calculations.

Integrate with Production and Gas Plant Systems

Integrates with your production system to receive daily meter readings. Also, integrates with your gas plant system to receive plant allocated volumes.

Define Critical Information Alerts

Set up various types of automated user alerting, such as a change in production volume or a meter added.

Generate Reports

Meter Information, PDA by Meter, Monthly Production, Average Production, and more.