EMK3 offers Senergy, a complete upstream marketing, transportation and risk management solution perfectly suited for E&P Companies, Marketers and First Purchasers.
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EMK3 offers Senergy, a complete midstream operations solution perfectly suited for Gathering and Pipeline Operators, and Gas Plant Operators.
EMK3 offers the EMK3 Cloud, a SaaS-based Cloud solution for EMK3 Senergy plus a new generation of cloud-first applications.
Risk Management Credit
Assure credit policy compliance by managing credit exposure in real-time.
In today’s volatile corporate environment and unstable oil and gas prices, many E&P companies are putting more focus on credit management. Balancing exposure across multiple counterparties and monitoring credit limits is critical to an oil and gas producer’s business.
The Credit Module is designed for oil and gas producers to carefully monitor vital credit activities. This module allows you to capture all credit terms, maintain accurate account balances, and value all physical and financial (hedge) transactions to give you realtime credit exposure. Exposure can be evaluated 30, 60, 90 or more days into the future and reported by counterparty.
Capture various credit parameters for each counter-party including Credit Rating, Credit Score, LC, Parental Guarantee and more.
Forecast credit exposure out 30, 60, 90 or more days. Support for multiple volume and price forecasting methodologies.
Get a complete credit assessment by combining both physical sales and financial hedges.
Integrate with your accounting system to include accurate unpaid balances into your credit assessment.
Forecast sales for future months by integrating forward curve basis differentials from CME NYMEX Clearport.
Create multiple credit exposure profiles for each counterparty to assess credit exposure from different parameters.
Enter multiple credit lines for each counterparty and assess credit exposure by credit line.
With dashboard technology, visually and interactivity monitor all credit exposures at both the summary and detail levels.
Credit Detail, Credit Summary, Historic Revenue, and more.